Friday, March 8, 2013

A blog for me ... and maybe you

I have a blog for my profession and I enjoy writing it but I don't get to write about fun stuff. I came to the US in 1989 when I was 21. That means I have now lived longer in the States than I did in Germany. Nevertheless, I still miss Germany and I remember everything there as if I left yesterday. This blog is not necessarily about me being from Germany but I would love for it to be a platform for other Germans (or foreigners from any country and Americans as well of course) to exchange ideas, tips, opinions etc. What do you miss from Germany? What do you like better here? Do you have a tip where one can buy German products? What are your favorite American items? Please help me with this blog and participate. I have nothing against German clubs .. I go to their festivals and enjoy myself but most of the time they are too traditional for me. I am from Bonn and even though I appreciate Oktoberfest, that is not what Germany is to me. Anything goes on this blog. Movie recommendations, plane fare deals, best make up you have found etc. Do you have a great recipe? Please share it.

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