One of the most important things when having a blog is to frequently post so readers know that there will be something new to read when they kindly come back.
I live in the Florida Keys and unlike almost everywhere else in the US we are having beautiful warm weather. That did not prevent me from getting a terrible cold or flu (I don't know what the heck it was). Due to the fact that I get sick so seldom, I might be a bit whinier than the average person when it comes to having a cough and stuffy nose etc. I did continue to work but neglected this blog in its very important beginning stage. I am all better and will be back to posting frequently. Please come back and check ... also, there won't be any whining. I promise!
This blog is not necessarily about me being from Germany but I would love for it to be a platform for other Germans (or foreigners from any country and Americans as well of course) to exchange ideas, tips, opinions etc.
Sunday, March 31, 2013
German Blog,
German Food,
Saturday, March 16, 2013
Great recipe sites
I know how to cook most German dishes but sometimes I want to compare my recipe to others or just add a little twist.
Most of you probably already know but just in case you don't: it's a great site with thousands of recipes with plenty reviews and pictures and even degree of difficulty.
Once in a while I have one ingredient and I just plug that in and check out what looks good. I found this recipe for Gemuesegurken/Cucumbers there; its great:
Click here
You might already know Mybestgermanrecipes It has great pictures and feels more like looking through a nice food magazine. As you 'durchblaetterst' you'll get inspired to try some. It's well worth becoming a member but you don't have to.
Most of you probably already know but just in case you don't: it's a great site with thousands of recipes with plenty reviews and pictures and even degree of difficulty.
Once in a while I have one ingredient and I just plug that in and check out what looks good. I found this recipe for Gemuesegurken/Cucumbers there; its great:
Click here
You might already know Mybestgermanrecipes It has great pictures and feels more like looking through a nice food magazine. As you 'durchblaetterst' you'll get inspired to try some. It's well worth becoming a member but you don't have to.
Thursday, March 14, 2013
Pippi Langstrumpf
Wer - ueber 30- erinnert sich nicht an Pippi Langstrumpf? Ich kann mich daran erinnern, als ich als Kind dachte "Wenn es doch nur etwas gaebe womit man Pippi Langstrumpf aufnehmen und immer wieder -so oft wie man moechte- gucken koennte." Waere ich technisch begabt gewesen, haette ich garantiert den Videorekorder erfunden, aber dem sollte nicht so sein.
Was fuer ein tolles Vorbild Pippi war: Ein Maedchen mit super Kraeften, unendlich viel Spass am Leben trotz manch trauriger Umstaende in ihrem Leben und immer nett zu ihren Mitmenschen mit etwas Frechdachs dabei.
Das habe ich bei Youtube gefunden, viel Spass:
Was fuer ein tolles Vorbild Pippi war: Ein Maedchen mit super Kraeften, unendlich viel Spass am Leben trotz manch trauriger Umstaende in ihrem Leben und immer nett zu ihren Mitmenschen mit etwas Frechdachs dabei.
Das habe ich bei Youtube gefunden, viel Spass:
Watch German shows on line
It's a pain in the butt to go through the many directory sites only to find out that you are not getting anywhere but ads when you click the links. I know of a couple sites - now, don't be mad! Most of the shows that you can watch on TV are not quality information channel. It's shows like Lindenstrasse or 'Bauer sucht Frau' or 'Mitten drin im Leben'. I don't care. I watch those shows in the background while I am working! That's how little attention you have to pay to those shows and still get the jest of it.
So here is one link to ZDF shows : Click here
and here is one for RTL shows : Click here
For Lindentrasse you can just go to
If you know of any links - share them please! Leave them as a comment or e-mail me!
Friday, March 8, 2013
A blog for me ... and maybe you
I have a blog for my profession and I enjoy writing it but I don't get to write about fun stuff.
I came to the US in 1989 when I was 21. That means I have now lived longer in the States than I did in Germany. Nevertheless, I still miss Germany and I remember everything there as if I left yesterday.
This blog is not necessarily about me being from Germany but I would love for it to be a platform for other Germans (or foreigners from any country and Americans as well of course) to exchange ideas, tips, opinions etc.
What do you miss from Germany? What do you like better here? Do you have a tip where one can buy German products? What are your favorite American items? Please help me with this blog and participate. I have nothing against German clubs .. I go to their festivals and enjoy myself but most of the time they are too traditional for me. I am from Bonn and even though I appreciate Oktoberfest, that is not what Germany is to me.
Anything goes on this blog. Movie recommendations, plane fare deals, best make up you have found etc. Do you have a great recipe? Please share it.
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